Party Officials
Mr. Hans Zeiger
Vice Chairman:
Mr. David Gaines
Mr. Andrew Hayes
Mr. Byron Masi
Campaign Chairman:
Mr. Kristofer Wilson
Lobby Chairman:
Mr. Seth Woods
Convention Chairman:
Mr. Jake Cornett
Platform Chairman:
Mr. Danny Tremblay
Cascade County Chairman:
Mr. Ben Benson
Columbia County Chairman:
Mr. Ben Kollmeyer
Palouse County Chairman:
Mr. Jordan Kunz
Puget County Chairman:
Mr. James Chatham
2002 Party Platform
Pro Education Reform
We are for…
- Increasing teacher salaries
- Implementing later school start times
- Eliminating state testing, for example the WASL
- Increasing funding for fine arts
- Increasing technological education
- Decreasing state public college costs, increasing state funding for college costs
Pro Economy
We are for…
- Promoting business with the conscious of the environment
- Mass transit
- Increasing job opportunities and job training programs, thus decreasing the unemployment rate
We are for…
- Increasing funding for state parks
- Keeping the dams in the Columbia intact
Pro Security Reform
We are for…
- The seatbelt law
- Against gun control, but believe trigger locks and educational programs are necessary
Pro Evergreen Boys State Reform of Rules
We are for…
- Revising the boundaries of the Evergreen Boys State campus by extending them to include pizza places such as Dominoes and Papa John’s
- Allowing all citizens of Evergreen Boys State to watch the World Cup match up on Friday between the United States and Germany
Mission Statement
For God and party, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, the State of Washington, and our state of Evergreen. We will uphold the issues of Pro Education Reform, Pro Economy, environmental reform, pro security and pro reform of Evergreen Boys State Rules. We will promote peace and goodwill amongst our fellow man and will safeguard and transmit to future generations the principles of justice, freedom and democracy.