Limited to 300 Students. Apply today!

What is Evergreen Boys State?

The American Legion Evergreen Boys State program provides a relevant, interactive, problem-solving experience in leadership and teamwork that develops self-identity, promotes mutual respect and instills civic responsibility. We accomplish this through a mock-government built and led by the students in the program. Through the process, students can earn scholarships, meet new friends and develop new skills.

When is Evergreen Boys State?

Evergreen Boys State is held from Sunday, June 15 through Saturday, June 21, 2025 at the Warm Beach Conference Center in Stanwood, Washington. Students attending are expected to be at the program from the time they check in – between noon and 2:30 p.m. – on Sunday, until dismissed on Saturday around 10:30 a.m.

Can my son arrive late to the program? Can he leave early?

No. It is a very intense program and students must be committed to attending the entire time. Students will be busy from the time you arrive until they leave. The program is designed is such a way that every student has a specific role to play in the mock-government and it is simply not fair to the other students who are there if they are having to carry an extra load because your son didn’t get all the information and materials he needed because he was late or didn’t complete the process by leaving early.

What does it cost to attend?

Total cost to attend is $600 and this covers all the meals and housing for your son for the week.

Students can request financial assistance to help pay for the fees. When assistance is requested, the local American Legion post and/or other supporting organizations will typically pay up to one-half ($300) of the fee. The student and his family then pay the $300 balance. Please be aware that we want all qualified students to be able to attend regardless of ability to pay so full financial aid is available if needed as well.

Students can bring a small amount of money (in small denomination bills) if they would like to buy snacks from vending machines at the facility, and there is traditionally a fun pizza party at the end of the week where students pool money to buy pizzas and soda in their city group. $20 to $25 should be more than enough for them to buy pizza, a couple snacks and have money left over. But again, they don’t NEED to bring any money to the program. We take care of all meals and supplies while they are at the program.

If my son is not selected for sponsorship by the local American Legion post, can he still participate?

We work hard to ensure that every qualified student who has a desire to participate is able to do so. The short answer to this is it depends. In many cases the number of students selected is simply limited by the amount of local sponsorship dollars available. In this situation, and the student is otherwise eligible and qualified for participation, the easiest answer is for the family to cover all the required fees for the student. If that is not financially possible, we will be happy to work with the family and the local American Legion post to find a solution that allows the student to attend. Please contact us at for assistance.

What are the living arrangements?

Students are housed in small cabin-style dormitories. Rooms typically house three to five students, with a few large “bunk style” areas where eight to ten will sleep in a common area. All rooms come with all the bed sheets, pillows and linen. Each building has multiple bathrooms and shower facilities that are shared by everyone in that building. Rooms generally come with a closet and dresser for each person and all the bed sheets and linen.

What are the meals like?

The food is generally very good. Meals are prepared by the Warm Beach Conference Center dining services and we eat in one of the main dining room. All meals are cafeteria style and there are generally a couple of options of food at each meal. Meals range from hamburgers and fries to chicken stir-fry to spaghetti. 

My son has special dietary needs. Can those be accommodated?

Yes, for the most part. Warm Beach Conference Center dining services is very good about working with students on this. Students should complete the Dietary Restrictions questionnaire during the registration process to let us know about any allergies or special needs. We will provide that information to the Dietary Staff and the chefs will help us guide students through available options. We welcome you to contact us in advance to make sure we know about special needs. The student just needs to make sure to be clear about what he needs. This doesn’t mean students who simply don’t like something on the menu can request a special meal. But if there is a medical/dietary need for the student, we will do every thing we can can to accommodate.  Please let our office know by June 1st if your son has special dietary needs.  (email information to

What kind of supervision does the program have for students?

Part of our philosophy at Boys State is to hold students accountable for their own actions in preparation for college or the next phase of their life, so we won’t hand-hold or “baby-sit” students while they are here. We do provide plenty of supervision for students during the program and we try to make our expectations of appropriate behavior very clear so ensure everyone has a good experience at the program. Depending upon enrollment numbers, we have a staff of at least 20 people and each staff member is assigned a small group to watch over. Typically there are 2-3 staff members supervising around 25 students. The entire staff has been background checked and is also trained in emergency preparedness. We also work closely with Warm Beach Conference Center to ensure everyone’s safety while on in attendance.

My son has a medical condition that you should know about, what should I do?

You will fill out a medical information form as part of the registration process before your son arrives at the program. You should note any medical conditions there. These may include things like asthma, allergies or prescription medications he is taking. A physical examination by a physician is NOT required, but applicants must meet normal health standards and complete the application questionnaire. Special needs students are accepted, however, any special considerations or required aides for these students will be at the expense of the student’s family.

Is medical care available while my son is at the program?

Yes. We do not have a daily sick call, rather if your son is ill or injured he should notify his city instructor. Every care will be taken to avoid accidents and prevent illness, but local health care and emergency assistance is available as required or requested.

Does the program carry insurance in case of injuries or accidents?

Yes, we do have a supplemental insurance policy. This policy, however, is secondary to any personal medical insurance your family may have.

Can my son drive his own car to Boys State?

Yes, he can; however he will not have access to it during the week. We will provide free parking in a well-lighted lot for students. During check-in he will turn in his car keys to the office after he’s unloaded his luggage. He can pick up his keys at the end of the week after he’s been dismissed to go home.

Can my son leave campus during the week?

No. As you can imagine it is a big enough task for the staff to keep track of security and safety for so many students, not to mention all the legal requirements and requirements of our insurance company. So, students will not be allowed to leave the assigned campus area. He will have plenty of room to roam and wander on campus and students who like to jog in the morning can do that. And all his meals will be provided, so he won’t have a need to go get food.

Will my son have access to athletic facilities or a gym?

No. The costs of renting these facilities for our program and the associated insurance that is necessary makes it prohibitive. There are plenty of areas that students can run or jog in the morning, if he would like to exercise.

What is the policy towards drugs and alcohol?

Quite simply they are not tolerated. Any student who is found using or in possession of drugs or alcohol will be sent home immediately. Students should also be aware that tobacco use of any kind is prohibited at Warm Beach Conference Center. Also, we are required to involve local law enforcement in any illegal activities that happen and students may face criminal consequences.

How can my son earn a college scholarship?

You can learn about the college scholarships by clicking here. It should be noted that the Samsung Scholarship Application is completely online and must be completed prior to the student arriving at Evergreen Boys State. This is a very firm deadline and exceptions cannot be made for any reason. Mailed or faxed applications are not accepted. Any further questions about scholarship instructions should to the Director’s Office at:

Can I come visit my son at Evergreen Boys State?

Sure. There are just a couple rules, though. All visitors must check-in at the Boys State office prior to going to see students. Students must attend all assigned activities and functions. And, all visitors must stay in common areas of the assigned buildings – visitors are not allowed in student bedrooms. The best option is for you to attend EBS Family Day. Click here for more information about EBS Family Day.

How can I reach my son while he’s at Evergreen Boys State?

Students are not allowed to use their cell phones during program functions, so during the day it may be hard to reach them on a cell phone. They can always call you back during their free time (typically breakfast, lunch, dinner or late at night). If it is an emergency you can always call the Boys State office. We will publish contact information for the office on our website once the program begins. If you would like to send a card or care package while your son is away we’ll also publish the address once the program is running and we have that information.

When should I plan on picking my son up?

You can pick your son up at the end of the closing program on Saturday. This is a breakfast meeting for students and we typically finish around 10:30 a.m. or slightly later. You are welcome to attend and join us for breakfast by buying a ticket to the family day event, or to attend just the graduation celebration event at no cost. Please note that the students return to their city area after the celebration where they receive their graduation certificate and pin. They are released by their city instructor from there.

What should my son bring with him to the program?

He should plan on packing clothes for temperatures in the low 60’s to the mid 80’s. Early summer weather can be unpredictable. He’ll want to make sure to have a comfortable pair of athletic shoes, as he’ll be doing a lot of walking. Also make sure to pack semi-formal business clothes, including a tie and possibly a sport coat, as there are several times through the week when he will be required to be in a shirt and tie. All bed sheets and linens are provided for the week, but he should plan on bringing at least one towel for the shower. It is also recommended that he bring some shower shoes/flip-flops. Make sure he brings toiletry items like toothpaste, shampoo, soap, shaving supplies, etc. If he would like to bring some snacks he can, but all meals will be provided.

Now accepting registration for our 2025 session on June 15-21, 2025!