Party Officials
Mr. Evan Miller
Vice Chairman:
Mr. Michael Bertschinger
Mr. Alex Emry
Mr. Alex Petrie
Platform Chairman:
Mr. Shaun Callahan
Convention/Campaign Chairman:
Mr. Tyler Woodward
County Platform Rep. (Cascade):
Mr. Sam Newell
County Platform Rep. (Columbia):
Mr. Josh Clayton
County Platform Rep. (Palouse):
Mr. Charles Garcia
County Platform Rep. (Puget):
Mr. Sam Lungren
2006 Party Platform
- Pro environmental health
- Pro choice
- Pro preschool reform and adoption of International Science Standards of education
- Anti gun control
- Pro death penalty
- Hands on government and economy
- Pro social service
- No amnesty for illegal immigration
- Pro separation of church and state
- Pro public transportation
- Pro assisted suicide
- Anti Gay Rights Reform
- Less taxes
- Anti affirmative action
- Pro Coed State
- Pro Otter Pops