Party Officials
Mr. Dylan Milligan
Mr. Leif Klinger
Mr. Jonathan McCuistion
Convention Chairman:
Mr. Andrew Spitzer
Campaign Chairman:
Mr. Isaiah Retan
Alder Platform Chairman:
Mr. Michael Higgins
Birch Platform Chairman:
Mr. Ian Lam
Cedar Platform Chairman:
Mr. Nathaniel Callens Jr.
Elm Platform Chairman:
Mr. Liam Lacey
Fir Platform Chairman:
Mr. Dane Gurnard
2015 Party Platform
- Marriage Equality
- Legalization of marijuana with government regulation
- Excise Tax
- Background check & test mental health for guns
- Citizens with guns already are grandfathered in
- Legal 1st trimester abortions
- Against the mandated use of badge cameras
- High costs are prohibitive
- Easier process for illegal aliens to obtain documentation & work permits
- Increase in minimum wage
- Welfare cut to lower levels
- Decrease costs of in-state community college tuition
- Promote clean energy
- Paid maternity leave
- Pro Stem-cell research
- To eventually create Jurassic Island
- State mental health facilities funded by the State
- Maintain 8.1% Washington State sales tax
- Allow 1.5% variance above this at city’s discretion.
- Flat income tax
- Create Jurassic Island