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Hans Zeiger, Representative from the 25th Legislative District, spoke with the delegates of Evergreen Boys State Tuesday evening about Washington State government, balancing choices and what it is like to run for office at a young age.

Hans Zeiger’s Official Website


     “What I learned from Mr. Hans Zeiger….”

“Mr, Zeiger, you are a very driven and passionate person and that is clear in your speaking. For so long my image of politicians has been negative and selfish. Thanks to you, my image has changed. For the most part…Thanks to you and your passion and inspiration, I have gained respect and somewhat sympathy for our representatives. Thank you again for your speech and your time!”
-Nathan Sanders, City of Alder

“I learned how a state legislator manages his numerous responsibilities. The importance of relationships in the political realm and the importance of going door to door for state elections.”
-James Cooke, City of Elm

“I personally enjoyed Mr. Hans Zeiger’s presentation a lot. I thought that he was very interesting and I liked how he was young and connected with us as ‘young dudes’. Especially as he was a Boys’ State Alumni from recently, not decades ago.”
-Braden Huntington, City of Fir 

Now accepting registration for our 2025 session on June 15-21, 2025!