Party Officials
Kirby Hale
Vice Chairman:
Andres Rovalo
Pierce Higgins
Convention Chairman:
Austin Brock
Platform Chairman:
Kevin Major
2019 Party Platform
- Reduce state loan guarantees for higher education
- Tri-Gun laws
- Stricter enforcement of existing gun laws
- Legalization and promotion of open carry
- Combination of concealed carry permits with gun licenses
- Supporting the use of armed teachers and resource officers in schools
- Increase school funding
- Opposition of sex and drug trafficking
- Increasing police funding
- Increase public transportation funding
- Recycling incentives
- Pro prison reform
- Pro death penalty
- Mandatory vaccinations for public school attendees
- Opposing income tax
- Providing funding for illicit drug research
- Rename Boys State, Boiz State
- Ban the pouring of milk before cereal
- Hot dogs are a sandwich