Franklin Li

Secretary of State
Cohen Thomas

State Treasurer
David Rogers

Superintendent of Public Instruction
Ezra Rottman

Attorney General
Max Ackerman


1st press release from the office of Governor TBD:

Greetings, fellow citizens of Evergreen Boys State,
I would like to thank all of you for your hard work this week. Attending and getting through the week of Boys State is no easy task. I’d also like to thank you all for electing me as your Governor for the year of 2024. My fellow members of Tamarack City and Rainier party for helping me be successful in my campaign as well. With that being said, I would also like to congratulate all of the officials that were elected into office whether it be the Legislative, Judicial, or Executive Branch. I hope that all officials work to fulfill the goals and promises proposed in their respective campaigns. Under my governance, I hope to address topics that include the support to fund education, support for the establishment of homeless rehabilitation centers, and to establish bipartisanship between the Adams and the Rainier Party. I hope we can make bills to accommodate these ideas and pass them through the Senate to make Evergreen state a prosperous place. With your continued support, I look forward to serving you all to represent your voices, spread growth, success, and prosperity not only to the State of Evergreen, but to your own character as well. I thank all of you once more for your support and encourage all of you to keep going forward in your respective journeys as well. Thank you to all the elected officials and only together we can make Evergreen State the best it can be.

Thank you,
Franklin Li
2024 Evergreen Boys State Governor


Save the date for our 2025 session on June 15-21, 2025.