Boys State Dress Code

Students should be prepared for temperatures from 40 to 85 degrees F, with possible wind and rain. Citizens will be living at a private conference center with a casual business setting and will be expected to dress appropriately at all times. During the program Citizens will aspire to become elected to high office within the State of Evergreen. You will be expected to dress in a manner as to which you would expect your public officials to dress in similar circumstances. In assuming your high office, you will assume the dress responsibilities of your position, as required by program circumstances. At certain times during the week all students will be required to wear semi-formal business clothing.

Code “C” Casual clothing – worn to most program events (80 % of your time)
  • Bring normal high school casual attire.
  • No Tee shirts that advertise any of The American Legion Evergreen Boys State restricted products, no gang shirts or colors, no inappropriate comment shirts. No grubby clothing, no old military clothing of any type will be permitted.
  • Dress walking shorts, (knee length with hem) and appropriate shirt will be allowed for casual warm weather dress.
  • Bring a casual jacket, and or sweaters for evening dress. Sweatshirts in good condition are allowed.
  • Bring appropriate amounts of underclothing, and extra socks.
  • Bring casual comfortable shoes as you will be doing a great deal of walking. You must bring slippers or shower shoes. You will not be allowed to go barefoot at any time, inside or outside of the dorm. This is for your protection.
Code “D” Dress clothing – at least three occasions require semi-formal business attire (10 % of your time)
  • There are 3 meetings that will require dress clothing.
  • Any time you are on the stage with specific program duties, dress clothing will be required. As you campaign for higher office, you may require dress clothing.
  • Bring more than one dress shirt, slacks or dress pant, tie, sports coat or business suit, and dress shoes.
Code “R” Rest and Relaxation clothing – clothes for free time (10 % of your time)
  • This will be the only time that sweat clothes of all types will be allowed.
  • Gym clothes, workout clothing, athletic clothing, are allowed during free activities time ONLY.
  • Shirts must be worn outside of the building at all times.



Save the date for our 2025 session on June 15-21, 2025.