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Boys Nation Delegates
Winners of the $1,000 Heintz Memorial Boys Nation Scholarship
Mr. Tanner Bush
Mr. Matthew Hawkins
Winner of the $1,000 Evergreen Boys State Foundation Governor’s Scholarship
Mr. Ahmad Jumper
The American Legion Samsung Scholarship
Winner of a $1,000 scholarship and finalist for a $20,000 scholarship
Mr. Joe Doria
Evergreen Boys State Eagle Scout Scholarship
Winner of the $1,000 Evergreen Boys State Eagle Scout Scholarship and finalist for $20,000 scholarship
Mr. Peter Faber
Harry Easley Outstanding Citizenship Award
Winner of the $500 Harry Easley Outstanding Citizen Scholarship
Mr. Seth Koivisto
(center, shown with City Citizenship Award recipients)
City Citizenship Awards
City of Alder: Mr. Derek Rossiter
City of Birch: Mr. Joe Doria
City of Elm: Mr. John Sommer
City of Fir: Mr. Maxwell Brown
City of Hemlock: Mr. Tanner Bush
City of Maple: Mr. Gunnar Newell
Carl & Ruth Wipperman Legacy Leadership Scholarship
Winner of the $1,00 Wipperman Leadership Scholarship
Mr. Adam Benmalek
“Expectations of Excellence” Awards
City of Birch
Mr. Tanner Bush
Mr. Dylan Leer
Mr. Brady Malone
Mr. Casey Pregartner
City of the Day
Sunday: Hemlock
Monday: Maple
Tuesday: Fir
Wednesday: Elm
City of the Week
The Great City of Hemlock
Director’s Award for Excellence
For the City/County problem with the best resolution.
The City of Hemlock
The County of Cascade