Apply Now

This form is an APPLICATION to attend. Filling out this form is the start of a two-step process and does not guarantee your acceptance.

After you submit this form, your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by an Evergreen Boys State recruiter who will guide you through the REGISTRATION process and paperwork. You will have more forms you will be required to complete and submit before you are officially registered to attend.

Please contact us at if you have any questions or need assistance.

Year in school for the 2023/2024 school year:
Preferred T-Shirt Size:
Parent/Guardian Name:*
Parent/Guardian Email:
Parent/Guardian Phone:
High School:*
H.S. Counselor/Advisor Name:
H.S. Counselor/Advisor Email Address:
Any information relevant to your application you would like us to know:
How did you hear about Evergreen Boys State:*
Application Information
Evergreen Boys State aims to allow every interested young man to attend regardless of family financial situation. Total cost to attend is $600. We are pleased to offer tuition assistance in part or in full upon request.
  • Independent Enrollment: Applicants pay the full $600 cost to attend. They will participate in a short telephone call to verify eligibility.
  • Sponsored Enrollment: Applicants will be interviewed and sponsored by a local American Legion Post. Sponsoring Posts will generally pay 50% of the tuition cost ($300). Applicants may be requested to attend a Post meeting the following September or October to share information their Boys State experiences with the sponsor. We will assist with locating a Post near you to be your sponsor.
  • Full Financial Aid: Applicants will be interviewed and sponsored by a local American Legion Post. The sponsoring Post will pay the full cost to attend. Applicants may be requested to attend a Post meeting the following September or October to share information their Boys State experiences with the sponsor.
    Application Type:*
    Please help me locate a sponsor near my home to assist with getting signed up.*
    Post Number or Name of Chairman you are working with:
    Important Information and Terms
    By submitting this APPLICATION, I accept and understand the purpose of The American Legion Evergreen Boys State program which will be held the week of June 16-22, 2024. Upon selection I understand I will be required to complete a registration and medical form.  
    Save the date for our 2025 session on June 15-21, 2025.