You are a part of a select group of people from across the country that can say they are an Alumni of Evergreen Boys State (EBS). While you were here at EBS you made friends that last a life time, and learned more then you could imagine. However, just because the week is over doesn’t mean you aren’t a citizen of the State of Evergreen anymore. There are Citizens across the country and world in every career field imaginable: teachers, firefighters, farmers, politicians, members of the armed forces and so many more. Stay in touch and reconnect here.

To stay connected join the Evergreen Boys State Alumni Facebook Page, when your going somewhere across the state or even around the globe you never know where another EBS Alumnus might be.

Stay updated on the latest EBS news and updates on where the program is and where its going in the upcoming years. Update your contact information and mailing address to receive the most current information, and no we will not Spam you with emails all of the time.

Year Attended EBS:
E-Mail Address:
Phone Number:
Preffered Form of Contact
Current Physical Address:
Favorite memories of EBS:
Save the date for our 2025 session on June 15-21, 2025.